Our Team
George Biedenstein - Board Certified Master Arborist - 45 years experience

Heather Vigil - ISA Certified Arborist RM-7238A

Jim Ruppell - Foreman - 20 years experience

Aaron Moyer - Foreman - 15 years experience

Matt Topolosky - Foreman - 15 years experience

Patrick McIntyre - Foreman - 10 years experience

Nico Lujan - Office Administrator - 8 years experience

James Webb - Foreman - 7 years experience

Brian Zimmerman - Foreman - 7 years experience

Mitchell Whiteshirt - Foreman - 6 years experience

Shelby McIntyre - Plant Health Care Technician Foreman - 4 years experience

Amber Stokes - Plant Health Care Foreman - 3 years experience

Steve Hollingsworth - PHC Manager - 2 years experience

Bailey Tree is a supporter of the charity “Angling with Officers”, which was founded and operated by former Bailey Tree employee Jack Winters. Visit AnglingWithOfficers.com to learn how you can help with the program.
Website and SEO by Kyle Moynihan Consulting, LLC